Japanese English judo Dictionary
arigato |
thank you |
ashi | leg, foot |
ate | hit, strike |
atemi waza | punching technique |
awasete | joined together |
bushido | way of the warrior |
chui |
a penalty equivalent to a YUKO score to a player's opponent |
Dan | (lit. Step) a black belt judo grade |
de | advance, advancing |
do | the Way' as in Judo- the Gentle Way |
do 2 | the trunk of the body |
dojo |
(lit. The Hall of the Way) a place where judo and other martial arts are practiced. |
domo arigato | thank you very much |
eri | neckband, collar of the jacket |
eri-katsu | lapel method |
fusen gachi | win by non-appearance of a player's opponent |
gaeshi | to counter: sometimes spelt as KAESHI |
gake | hook, block |
garami | entangle, wrap |
gatame | (lit. To harden) in Judo it means to hold |
go | five, fifth |
go 2 | an ancient Japanese game |
Gokyo no waza | five groups of instruction |
go no sen no waza | counter throw |
goshin jitsu | self-defence |
goshi/koshi | hip |
guruma | wheel |
gyaku | reverse |
hachi | eight, eighth |
hadaka | bare or naked |
hajime | begin |
hane | spring or jump |
hansoku | foul; violation |
hansoku gachi | win by decision |
hansoku make | defeat by decision |
hantei | judgement |
hantei gachi | win by decision |
hara gatame | stomach lock |
harai goshi | hip sweep |
harau | to sweep |
hata | signal flag |
henka waza | change technique |
hidari jigotai | left defensive posture |
hidari shizentai | left natural posture |
hikikomu | to pull into |
hikite | sleeve hand; pulling hand |
hikiwake | a draw; a tie |
hikkomi gaeshi | pulling-down sacrifice throw |
hiza gatame | knee lock |
hiza guruma | knee wheel |
idori | kneeling or seated techniques |
ippon | one point; a complete point |
ippon gachi | a win by IPPON |
ippon seoi nage | one -armed shoulder throw |
ippon shobu |
(one point match) Here victory is determined by the competitor who secures one point (IPPON). All championships favour this type of contest |
Itsutsu no Kata |
The Five Form. A series of techniques demonstrated together in a very formalized manner |
jigo hontai | staight defensive posture |
jigotai | defensive posture |
jikan | time |
joshi judo | Women's Judo |
judo |
Lit. 'the way of softness and flexibility,' formulated by Jigoro Kano. |
judogi | clothing worn to practise judo |
judoka | someone who practises judo |
jujutsu | Japanese self-defence art, the forerunner of judo |
kaeshi waza | counter techniques |
kake | the point where a throw takes effect |
kansetsu waza | locking techniques |
kao | face |
kata |
form. A very formalized domontstration of a set of judo techniques. |
katsu | resuscitation |
keiko | training, practice |
keikoku |
warning. A penalty which gives the opponent a WAZARI score in a judo contest |
kikengachi |
win due to opponent withdrawing during contest because of injury |
kime no kata | forms of decision or actual fighting |
Kodokan |
"Institute for study of the way" Judo training hall, the Mecca of judo in Tokyo |
koshi waza | hip techniques |
koshi no kata | Antique Form |
kubi | neckband, collar of the jacket |
kumikata | gripping, taking hold |
kuzure | From 'kuzureru', to fall, break |
kyu | nine, ninth |
kyu |
The lower grades of judo, below black belt (DAN). This KYU/DAN system came from GO game where the players are ranked according to their talent in amateur (KYU) and professional (DAN). |
makikomi waza | wrapping techniques |
masutemi waza | rear body-drop throws |
ma-itta | "I give up" |
Mate! |
(from the verb 'MATSU', to wait. Wait! Referee's instruction |
midori | green |
migi | right (direction) |
migi eri dori | right-lapel hold |
migi jigotai | right defensive posture |
migi shizentai | right natural position |
morote | both hands, two handed |
mune | chest |
nage | throw. (from the word 'NAGERU', to throw) |
nage no kata | form of throws |
nage waza | throwing techniques |
nami | common, usual |
nana | seven, seventh |
ne waza | mat work (lit. Lying down techniques) |
ni | two, second |
obi | belt or sash |
okuri | sliding |
osaekomi jikan | hold down time |
osaekomi waza | pinning techniques |
osaekomu | to hold down |
otoshi | drop |
randori | free practice; free sparring |
Randori no Kata | Free Exercise Forms |
rei | respect, decorum |
renraku waza | combination techniques |
renshu | practice |
roku | six, sixth |
ryu | school |
san | three, third |
sanbon shobu | three-point match |
sensei | teacher, |
seiza | a kneelin position |
seoi | on the back |
seoinage | shoulder throw |
shi | four, fourth |
shiai | contest |
shiai jikan | match duration |
shiaijo | competition area |
shichi | seven, seventh |
shido | (lit. Guidance) |
shihan | master, teacher, |
shiho | four quarters |
shime | tighten (from the word 'SHIMERU', to strangle, to choke) |
shime waza | strangling techniques |
shisei | posture |
shizen hontai | straight natural posture |
shizentai | natural posture |
sode | sleeve hand; pulling hand |
sogo gachi | combined win |
"Sono mama!" |
("Hold position!") referee's word to freeze the actions of the players during a contest |
"Sore made!" | ("Finished!") referee's word to end a contest |
soto | outer, outside |
sukui | scooping |
sumi | corner, angle |
sutemi waza | sacrifice techniques |
tachi waza | standing techniques |
tai | body |
tani | valey |
tatami | mat |
tate | length |
te | hand |
te waza | hand techniques |
tekubi | wrist |
"Toketa!" |
("Hold broken") referee's call to indicate that a fighter has escaped from a hold down |
tokui waza | preferred or favourite techniques |
tori | doer, thrower |
tsugi ashi | shuffle stepping in KATA |
tsukuri | set up, breaking your opponent's balance |
uchikomi | repetition training |
ude | arm |
uke | "receiver"; the thrown |
ukemi | breakfall |
uki | float, floating |
ura | reserve |
ushiro | back, behind |
utsuri | to change |
wakare | division, separation |
waza | technique |
waza-ari | ("technique exist; near IPPON) |
yama | mountain |
yoko | side |
yon | four, fourth |
yubi | finger |
yuko | yuko, effektive. IJF Contest Rules, Article 24 |
yusei gachi | win by superior perfomance |
zarei | kneeling or sitting bow (respect) |